
Admission Requirements

  • Completion of all pre-professional courses by the end of the winter semester before admission to the professional program
    • Applicants can request to take one non-science prerequisite or general education requirement during the first semester of the professional program as an exception. Deadline exceptions will not be made for math and science prerequisites.
    YouTube video image
    Watch this video by the American Society of Radiation Oncology for an inside look at the profession.
  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and minimum 2.7 math and science prerequisite GPA.
  • All grades in prerequisite requirements must be a minimum of "C" or better (2.0 on a 4.0 grade scale).
  • Students are required to complete two clinical visits to affiliate institutions as part of the program. If clinical sites are unavailable, alternative arrangements will be made. To schedule an appointment, please call 313-577-5711. Out-of-state applicants should contact a Radiation Therapy Technology faculty member for options to accommodate individual circumstances.
  • Attendance at a College Information Meeting is required. Click here for more information. Meetings are currently being held on Zoom.
  • Equivalent pre-professional coursework taken at an accredited college or university is acceptable.

Math and Science Prerequisite Requirements
Must be completed by May

Math and science prerequisite coursework must be completed within six years of the time of application to the professional program.+ Labs must be taken in-person.

  • BIO 1500/1501 Basic Life Diversity & Lab (NSIL)
  • BIO 1510/1511 Basic Life Mechanisms & Lab (NSIL)
  • BIO 2870 - Anatomy & Physiology & Lab
  • CHM 1020 - Survey of General Chemistry & Lab (NSIL)
  • MAT 1800 - Elementary Functions (QE)
  • PHY 2130 & 2131 - General Physics I & Lab (NSIL)
  • PHY 2140 & 2141 - General Physics II & Lab

Non-science Prerequisite Requirements
Must be completed by May

  • ENG 1020 - Introductory College Writing (BC)
  • ENG 3010 - Intermediate Writing (IC)
  • PSY 1010 or 1020 - Introductory Psychology (NSI)
  • PSY 2300 - Psychology of Everyday Living (alternatives: PSY 2410 or PSY 2400)
  • PS 1010 - American Government (SI or CIV)
  • COM 1010 - Oral Communication (OC) (course required)
  • PHI 1050 Critical Thinking*

*Exams or coursework can be used to complete these requirements. Please contact the WSU Office of Testing & Evaluation at or 313-577-3400 for further information.

Note: Students who hold a previous bachelor's degree or who qualify under the university's   MTA transfer policy (see are exempt from completing the requirements listed below.  

University General Education Requirements
Must be completed by May

  • Cultural Inquiry (CI)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Global Learning (GL)
  • Social Inquiry (SI) or Civic Literacy (CIV), whichever not covered by PS1010 above.

+A time limit waiver can be considered for those math and science courses completed greater than six years prior to the time of application, if appropriate. To request a time limit waiver, submit a formal request via e-mail to Program Director Jeannetta Greer. The e-mail should include the following:

  • The name, course number, course name, institution, and when it was taken.
  • An explanation of how the applicant has stayed current with the course content for the expired course, usually through work experience or advanced study in the same field.
  • Attach all transcripts, prerequisite worksheet, and a resume, if work experience is relevant.

Need help?

To determine which prerequisite and general education requirements you have completed and which you would still need to take, please request a transcript evaluation from the Office of Student Affairs. Additionally, questions can be directed to