Student Spotlight: Q&A with Jessica Minchella, Physician Assistant Studies Class of 2023

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Jessica Minchella
Jessica Minchella

Q: What three words best describe you?

A: Optimistic, silly, dedicated

Q: What do you like to do in your free time? 

A: I love to paint and read! I paint pictures to give to family and friends randomly or for the holidays. On study breaks, I love to read novels, particularly thrillers or mysteries. I use my neighborhood’s free little libraries to exchange books.

Q: Why did you choose Wayne State University?

A: It is close to my support system and offered a lot of unique opportunities within the program that I would not be able to get anywhere else. 

Q: Why did you choose to pursue a physician assistant studies degree? 

A: I am super passionate about helping others and I have always been drawn to medicine. Becoming a physician assistant gives me the perfect balance of patient care and medical practice.

Q: Tell us about an educational experience that you enjoyed. 

A: Our site visits! As a first-year PA student last year, I was able to go into hospitals several times a semester to build my patient care skills and experience a variety of conditions firsthand.

Lara Rutan donors and scholarship recipients
Jessica Minchella (left) with Judy and Rick Rutan (center) and fellow recipients of the 2022 Lara M. Rutan, MS, PA-C Memorial Scholarship.

Q: If you had 24 hours free from work and school obligations, what would you do?

A: I would spend my day outside, finding a new hiking trail or walking through some of the neighborhoods nearby. I would bring a book with me and find a quiet spot to enjoy it, then go home and cook myself a nice dinner.

Q: Share a recent accomplishment that made you proud of yourself.

A: I finished my first semester of PA school with a 4.0, which I definitely did not think I was capable of when I started the program. I also earned the 2022 Lara M. Rutan, MS, PA-C Memorial Scholarship this past spring.

Q: What are your career aspirations?

I would love to work in a high acuity setting, either an emergency room or urgent care. I enjoy the hands-on aspect of procedures and being able to provide nearly immediate benefits for the patients.

About us

The Physician Assistant Studies master of science degree program at the Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is focused on the development of highly competent and passionate physician assistants who are deeply committed to practicing in urban and underserved health care settings. The admission cycle runs from May 1-Sept. 1 for classes beginning the following May. Prospective students can get started by attending a WSU Applebaum information meeting the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. 

An anchor in urban health care

The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is built on more than 100 years of tradition and innovation in the heart of Detroit. We have grown deep roots in our city, harnessing its powerhouse hospital systems and community service organizations as vibrant, real-world training grounds for students, with an ongoing focus on social justice in health care. And our research at all levels – from undergraduates to veteran faculty members – translates into creative solutions for healthier communities.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering approximately 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 25,000 students.

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