Student Spotlight: Q&A with Nydia Andrade, Clinical Laboratory Science Class of 2022

We're getting to know students from every program at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Submit your own details for Student Spotlight consideration by filling out our brief form.

Q: What are five words that best describe you?

A: Positive, attentive, curious, outgoing and charismatic.

Q: What are your hobbies and interests? 

A: I like to play volleyball indoors or outdoors. I also like to exercise in my free time.

Q: Why did you choose Wayne State University?

A: The community and diversity caught my attention; also that it is close to home.

Q: Why did you choose the Clinical Laboratory Science program

A: I have always been interested in health sciences, and when I was taking an introductory microbiology class I just fell in love with all the instruments and being in a laboratory.

Q: Tell us about a classroom, lab or clinical experience that you enjoyed. 

A: I remember being once in a body fluids laboratory and looking at urate crystals under the microscope; it was the most interesting feeling, seeing things that I did not know existed.

Q: If you had 24 hours free from work and school obligations, how would you spend your day?

A: Outside. I would definitely be riding my bike going to nature spots with a nice view, and then I would cook some delicious food at home.

Q: Share a recent accomplishment that made you proud of yourself.

A: Getting into the clinical site of my choice for rotation!

Q: What are your career aspirations?

A: To continuously learn, become an expert in my field and be of help to others.

Q: Anything else?

A: I come from an immigrant family, and when we moved here only my father knew English, so when I started middle school it was a completely new experience. It took me about two years to learn English.

About usCLS logo

Clinical laboratory scientists work behind the scenes to provide critical information to doctors through medical tests. In fact, lab results inform more than 70% of diagnoses, allowing doctors to tailor treatment plans and therapies to each patient. Clinical laboratory scientists may also pursue careers in medical information systems technology, research and design new testing methods, or go on to medical school. The bachelor of science in Clinical Laboratory Science is offered through Wayne State’s Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences with an application deadline of May 1.

An anchor in urban health care 
The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is built on more than 100 years of tradition and innovation in the heart of Detroit. We have grown deep roots in our city, harnessing its powerhouse hospital systems and community service organizations as vibrant, real-world training grounds for students, with an ongoing focus on social justice in health care. And our research at all levels – from undergraduates to veteran faculty members – translates into creative solutions for healthier communities.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering approximately 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 25,000 students.

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