Academic regulations
Approved by Faculty of Pharmacy August 27, 2015
Academic Regulations, Faculty of Pharmacy
For complete information regarding academic rules and regulations of the University, students should consult University Academic Offices, Services, and Regulations. The following additions and amendments pertain to pharmacy students.
For purposes of these academic rules and regulations, for the Faculty of Pharmacy, the following definitions apply:
- Professional course means any course required in the Pharm.D. curriculum and any course approved for professional elective credit and elected by the student for that purpose.
- Satisfactory grade means a grade of `C' or above, or a grade of `S.'
- Unsatisfactory grade means a grade of `C-minus' or below 2.0 grade points, or a mark of `X' or unauthorized `W.' Marks of `X' or marks of `W' which have not been authorized will be treated as an `E.'
- Probation means a restricted status in the program (see below).
- Dismissal from the program means that the student may no longer register in the program, or elect professional course work in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.
Academic and Professional Progress
The Faculty of Pharmacy expects its students to develop professional competence and to satisfy the same high standards of exemplary character, appearance, and ethical conduct expected of professional pharmacists.
To merit confidence and esteem, both personally and in the health care professions, appropriate dress and demeanor are expected of each student in the academic and professional program in pharmacy.
The Committee on Academic and Professional Progress (CAPP) reviews student performance regularly and makes decisions concerning probationary status. A student may be dismissed from the College for unsatisfactory academic performance in accordance with policies outlined in this document.
Outside Employment
The professional curriculum has been arranged with the presumption that the student will devote full time and energy to the program. Pharmacy internship and other pharmaceutical employment is recognized as a component of the academic and professional growth of the pharmacy student. The student, however, is responsible for maintaining the appropriate balance between such activity and satisfactory achievement in the classroom.
Regularity in attendance and performance is necessary for success in college work. At the beginning of each course the instructor will announce the specific attendance required of students as part of the successful completion of the course.
Course Elections Policy
The program must be elected on a full-time basis, following the curriculum as outlined in this bulletin, unless specifically directed otherwise by the Committee on Academic and Professional Progress, and/or the Faculty.
No course may be elected unless a satisfactory grade has been earned in each of the course prerequisites.
Registration to audit a course, or for courses elected on a Passed-Not Passed basis, is permitted only for elective credits in excess of the minimum degree requirements, or by guest or post-degree students.
Leaves of Absence
A leave of absence (LOA) may, and should, be requested by a student when personal circumstances interfere with the student's ability to devote sufficient time to academic pursuits to assure reasonable expectations of success. A leave of absence is requested from and granted by the Dean or designee in consultation with the CAPP. If a student requests and is granted an immediate leave of absence during a term, the student must withdraw from all courses enrolled in for that term with the exception of advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE). Withdrawal from advanced pharmacy practice experiences must be done for each rotation period for the duration of the LOA.
A leave of absence must be requested no later than the end of the tenth week of the term, or in the case of courses not offered over a traditional semester, prior to completion of seventy-five per cent of the course. In the case of advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE) a request for a LOA must be made by the end of the fourth week. Exceptions to these time parameters for requesting a LOA will be made for personal medical emergencies.
Time Limitations
The program must be completed within six calendar years of admission. Extensions are appropriate in circumstances such as a delay required to repeat a course preceding or following an authorized leave of absence or an authorized leave of absence that extends beyond one year.
Minimum Grade Requirement
No professional course in which an unsatisfactory grade is earned will be counted for degree credit in this program unless repeated for a satisfactory grade. Students must maintain a minimum GPA above 2.0 to continue in the program.
Grade Appeals
Grade appeals are to made in accord with College Policy on Final Course Grade Appeals found at
Academic Warning
Students will receive an academic warning letter copied to their faculty advisor for a professional program GPA of less than 2.75. An academic warning will not result in any formalized restrictions. Students who receive an academic warning will be asked to meet regularly with their faculty advisor with the goal of assisting academic performance and monitoring progress to help insure academic success.
Students will be placed on academic probation for the following:
- Any student who earns an unsatisfactory grade in a professional course until the course is satisfactorily repeated.
- A professional program GPA of less than 2.50 at the end of the semester
Students on probation may not receive University funding to travel to professional meetings. Students will no longer have probationary status when the following criteria are fulfilled:
- The student successfully completes required remediation or repeats the course, or improves his/her GPA to more than 2.50;
- The student completes two study skills workshops through the WSU Academic Success Center ( The student must show documentation of attendance to his/her faculty advisor and the CAPP chair.
Dismissal from the Program
A student will be dismissed from the program for the following reasons:
- Failing to earn a satisfactory grade when repeating a professional course
- The need to repeat more than 3 professional courses in the program
- A professional GPA of below 2.0 at the end of any semester
- Inability to complete the program within the time limitations outlined above
Student Code of Conduct
Every student is subject to all regulations set forth by the University, the College, and the Faculty of Pharmacy, governing student activities, student behavior, and in use of their facilities. The University, College, and Faculty have the responsibility of making these regulations available and it is the student's responsibility to become thoroughly familiar with all regulations and to seek any necessary clarification. Questions and concerns regarding regulations should be brought to the appropriate faculty member and/or the Dean's office.
There are obligations inherent in registration as a student in the College. Students entering the profession of pharmacy are expected to have the highest standards of personal conduct so as to be a credit to themselves, the College, the University, and the profession. When there are reasonable grounds to believe a student has acted in a manner contrary to ethical standards, the law, or mores of the community, such student may be disciplined. This discipline may include suspension or dismissal from the program after due process in accord with published policies.
Academic Misbehavior
In any instance of academic misbehavior occurring in any course offered by the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, as defined in section 4 of the University Due Process Statute of the Student Code of Conduct, the procedures outlined in the Academic Misbehavior Flowchart will be followed. The university student conduct officer will be contacted in all cases of academic misbehavior and one of the following two options will be followed:
- the provisions of Section 10.1 of the Statute will be followed, or
- charges will be filed through the student conduct officer as provided in Section 10.2 of the Statute.
The University Ombuds Office is available to assist those involved in Student Code of Conduct cases by acting as an information source and helping to gain access to University personnel. An appointment with the ombudsperson can be made by calling 313-577-3487 or by sending an email to