Progression criteria
In order to advance from one semester to the next, and from Year I to Year II in the Physician Assistant Studies program, students must:
- Complete all courses with a minimum grade of "B" or equivalent.
- Comply with the Professional Curriculum.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
- Complete all didactic courses before entry into the clinical year curriculum.
- Complete any incomplete grades prior to the conclusion of the clinical year.
- Satisfactorily complete all clinical rotation objectives.
- Successfully complete didactic and clinical comprehensive exams.
Failure to comply with any of the progression criteria standards will result in an academic review by the PAS program director and Committee on Academic and Professional Progress (CAPP).
Graduation requirements
The following requirements must be met in order to graduate with a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies:
- Complete all 75 credit hours in the Physician Assistant Studies program curriculum with a minimum of "B" or its equivalent in each course.
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Fulfill all financial obligations to Wayne State University. All courses contained within the Physician Assistant Studies curriculum must be completed prior to graduation without exception or exemption.
- The maximum amount of time to complete the course of study is two years, unless otherwise approved by the program.
- No transfer credit or credit by portfolio is accepted. No students are exempt from classes or class participation in workshops because of prior courses, training, or experience.
Transfer credit policy
Coursework in the Physician Assistant Studies curriculum is lock step and quite different from other graduate programs. Work in each semester builds upon work from the previous semester. It is imperative that all students in the Wayne State University Physician Assistant Studies program complete all of the required coursework and do so in the required sequence. No transfer of credit from other programs or institutions will be allowed to fulfill any requirement of the program. Likewise, no advanced standing will be afforded to any individual since all course credits must be completed in order.
This policy will also apply to students requesting to transfer from other Physician Assistant programs, and no credit will be accepted in lieu of required coursework.
Physician Assistant programs have variations of curriculum and intensity of instruction. Due to these variations, no students will be accepted for transfer into the Wayne State University Physician Assistant Studies for the clinical curriculum (rotations).
Vaccine policy
All students must comply with the program's immunizations requirements throughout the entire program. Compliance is mandatory. No exemptions from the vaccination requirements are allowed, including, but not limited to, exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Failure to comply with vaccination or other evidence of immunity requirements may preclude the student from completing the clinical rotations that are necessary to fulfill degree and accreditation requirements.
Wayne State University PAS statement on past criminal history
The Wayne State PAS Program supports individuals with criminal conviction histories to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant. We understand that some applicants' history of criminal convictions may have been the inspiration that led them to the field of medicine.
In the interest of a fair and inclusive admissions process, the WSU PAS Program does not require applicants to disclose felony convictions or pending felony charges. We strongly support applications from all prospective students.
Applicants who are admitted to the Program will be required to undergo a background check prior to entrance into the Program. This is required for clinical rotation placement, a requirement for graduation, and for continued success as a PA professional.
It is important for the Program to be transparent regarding the challenges that students with criminal histories may face as they pursue their PA education and career. Students with criminal histories may be precluded from participating in clinical education experiences, which are required to graduate. While the Program will make every reasonable effort to assist students in securing an appropriate clinical placement, the Program nor University can guarantee a clinical placement. Also, students with criminal histories may be excluded from obtaining PA licensure in some states or credentialing in some hospital systems.