How to apply

The PA Studies program requires two separate applications:

  1. Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) by September 1
  2. WSU General Graduate Application by December 31

Please review the details below regarding both applications and our timeline of admission requirements.

CASPA application

The PA Studies program must receive a submitted CASPA application on or before September 1 and the application must be verified by September 15 in order to consider students for admission. Applications submitted to and verified by CASPA after these dates will not be accepted. It is highly recommended that you submit your CASPA application in June or July to ensure timely submission and review of all items by CASPA.

CASPA quick start guide and FAQs Helpful video about CASPA

A note about evaluations

You are required to request at least 3 and may request a maximum of 5 evaluations, which your evaluators will submit directly to CASPA. The WSU PA Studies program asks that evaluators are PAs, MDs, DOs, or other health providers familiar with the role of the physician assistant. At least one of the three required evaluations must be completed by an individual who has observed you during direct patient contact experience, and/or a work supervisor those most familiar with you and your clinical work. The evaluation should include a verification of your completed health care experience hours.

A stronger applicant file is one that has evaluations from health care professionals who have known you for a period of time of greater than one year and can comment on your performance with direct patient health care. We strongly urge applicants to avoid references from most academic professors/instructors, unless they are able to fully complete the form regarding observed direct patient contact. References from family members or those in a personal relationship with you are highly discouraged. 

WSU General Graduate Application

  • Available September 8 at
  • Due December 31
  • Requires official transcripts from all institutions attended

A completed WSU General Graduate Application including official transcripts from all institutions attended and all supplemental material must be submitted for consideration of admission.

Note: The WSU General Graduate Application for the Spring/Summer WSU PAS program start date will be available on the WSU Graduate School website on September 8. All graduate application materials must be submitted by December 31 to be considered for the following May start date. Use "Spring/Summer" of the following year as the projected start date on the application.

If applicable, the following supplemental materials should be submitted with your WSU General Graduate Application:

  • Prerequisite coursework in progress (if applicable): Only those applicants completing prerequisite courses in spring/summer whose grades are not verified by CASPA need complete this section. The transcript of course grades completed after CASPA application submission should be included in this section. All prerequisite coursework must be complete by September 1.
  • Copy of granted six-year prerequisite science course waiver (if applicable): Only those applicants who requested and received a six-year prerequisite science course waiver from the WSU PA Studies Admissions Committee need to submit documentation in this section.
  • TOEFL score (if applicable): The TOEFL must be taken by August 1 of the application year; results must be submitted to your WSU General Graduate Application supplemental materials site on or before the application deadline of December 31. To properly submit your scores, please include both the CASPA code 3647 and WSU Graduate School 1898 codes.