Research Scholars
How to apply Faculty mentors Projects and publications
The Research Scholars program provides select PharmD students with a challenging, research-intensive experience to enhance their professional education. Interested students may apply in January of their P1 year. Admission is competitive, with 10 students selected annually.
By conducting original research projects with faculty mentors and developing a publication-ready manuscript, Research Scholars will receive hands-on training in applying contemporary scientific methodologies in research study design and in modern analytic methods within the broad areas of basic pharmaceutical sciences, clinical/translational research, practice-based research and health outcomes research. Students will be matched with participating faculty mentors who maintain a diverse range of research programs across WSU Applebaum's many disciplines.
Research Scholars will also receive individualized counseling relevant to their interests, advanced training, and potential career options in the field of research. The curriculum includes specific courses totaling 11 credit hours, with six of those credits taken in place of professional electives required in the PharmD program.
The experience gained in the Research Scholars program is expected to differentiate students from their peers when they apply to post-graduate residencies, fellowships or graduate degree studies. Students completing the program will obtain a concentration in research noted on their university transcript.